Every donation and ounce of time is an investment for change, that lasts.

Fearless Movement is a 100% volunteer-based organization. Over the past five years, we have hosted over 140 events and programs - both small and large, thanks to our avid volunteers!
Without the support of our dedicated volunteers, our free services, events, and impact would not be possible!
Fearless Movement values your story and believes your purpose can indeed, change lives around you. To volunteer, contact us today!

Join us as we combat fear and create seizure-free lives,
one community partnership at a time.
Thanks to our businesses, and organizations involved with our Community Partnership Program, Fearless Movement has had the opportunity to answer immediate local needs within our community for those battling fear, and suffering from both chronic and mental illnesses. With your financial support, together we have impacted over 1,400 individuals nationwide within the past 7 months of 2020.
While we provide Community Partnership Opportunities all year long, every November during National Epilepsy Awareness Month (NEAM) we provide special partnerships to encourage our community to support your business. This year, we have changed our partnership program amid the pandemic, creating more beneficial opportunities for businesses and restaurants.
We would love to have you join us in combating fear and providing a seat at the table for all, especially during NEAM. If you're interested in looking over our Community Partnership program, the impact your business can have and benefits you would receive, please contact our Founder and Executive Director, Ashley by emailing:
your donations impact
To learn more about your gifts impact, read our community members testimonies here!
Fearless Movements' free programs, resources, education, scholarships, research and therapies efforts are not possible without the support of our community partners and members.
With your donations, in 2020 alone we have individually served 2,026 individuals through our free youth arts and leadership programs, scholarships and support services for all who battle epilepsy, mental health conditions and overall fearful hardships. COVID-19 has affected all of us in many different ways.
On behalf of Fearless Movement, we would like to thank our community for your continuous support. Because of your gift, we have expanded our reach, now impacting people in over eight U.S states. Join us as we continue our fight against fear and uncertainty by cultivating a calm environment during the outbreak of COVID-19 through your donation today.
If you would like to mail your donation through a check, email us today.
COVID-19 Response

Through Fearless Movement's Art Empowerment Program, our COVID-19 response is to provide free access to the arts by delivering an Art Empowerment Package to any individual in need of a creative outlet. With a new initiative, Kate's Crayons we have had the opportunity to expand our COVID-19 response nationwide.
At the age of 6, Kate Delany discovered every child did not have the opportunity of free access to the arts. When she learned her family was donating crayons to an orphanage in Haiti, she shared with her mother, "I wish every kid in the world could have crayons."
Today, Fearless Movement is bringing that vision to life with the help of Kate Delany who is now 16, her family and the support of our wonderful community. The Kate's Crayons initiative fund helps fulfill large requests of Art Empowerment Packages to organizations, schools, churches and community based organizations nationwide. If you would like to give towards our nationwide free service, select one of those donation options below.
To become a Kate's Crayons sponsor, click here.