Share Your Story Campaign
The Share Your Story campaign was originally started in 2015 to rise up leaders of all ages, to overcome their circumstances and share their story. This empowers those to use their voice for the voiceless, because their voice matters.
social wall
Through our forum, you can join our community by sharing your story of a previous or current hardship. This social wall is to form a community within our nation, to show one another - we are not alone in the fears and battles we face.
By sharing your story, you are using your voice to empower others through sharing the tools you have personally used to overcome your fears/circumstances. If you are currently battling a hardship, you can still share your story, ask for guidance and see that you are not alone by reading your communities stories.
Visit the forum tab on our menu and share. your. story.
Share Your Story VLOGS (video blogs)
Through our video blogs, numerous people from the community share their stories on many different hardships they have faced and how they have overcome it. If you have a story you would like to share, please contact us below.