Anti-bullying campaign
Fostering a community of inclusivity, acceptance, respect, character and perseverance through workshops and assemblies.

Our Anti-Bullying Campaign's mission is to provide a safe, inclusive, and empowering environment for students of all ages and backgrounds, nationwide. This campaign was originated through the impact of one educator, taking a stand for our Founder, Ashley Kulikowski when she was bullied in elementary school for her appearance. She didn't believe anyone cared for her at the time, showed all of the signs of an individual being bullied, and was fearful to speak up. Once she sent an anonymous letter to her teacher, she discovered her life did matter. She made the choice to persevere, became the friend she always wanted to her peers and overcame her fears.
When Founding Fearless Movement in 2014, Ashley knew Fearless Movement had to provide a program that took a stand against bullying within our schools. To aid empowerment to both the bully and the victim. Bullying stems from fear and causes fear onto the victim. That is why our Anti-Bullying Campaigns' primary goal is to foster a community of inclusivity, acceptance, respect, perseverance, and character. Today, our Anti-Bullying Campaign is our most booked program. Especially during "Respect Week" in schools and community groups impacting thousands of students every year within the Tri-State area.
Through intimate interactive workshops and assemblies, student's are challenged in a multitude of ways. Our favorite activity is the "Fear Banner" which encourages students to anonymously write one fear they'd like to rise above. As similar or the same fears are placed on the banner, this activity shows the students first hand the common ground we stand on, fear.
By sharing real life stories, analogies and even movie clips, it reveals the truth of our differences and that is to celebrate what we all bring to the table. Together, we unite on our common ground, fear. Through our"Raising Hands" activity, students discover they're not alone and we are better, together.
free Services
Assembly (Virtual and In-Person):
45-60 minute assembly that includes an interactive conversation, Ashley's story, clip from a known student-friendly movie, Fear Banner Activity, Call to Action, and the tools for students to take home, and rise above their everyday fears.
Multiple assemblies are suggested for each grade level if schools are over 300 student capacity. Each Assembly will be adjusted to grade level understanding.
Workshops (Virtual and In-Person):
45-60 minute workshops provides an intimate environment including interactive conversation, Ashley's story, Fear Banner Activity, Q&A, Encouragement Activity, Call to Action and the tools for students to take home and rise above their everyday fears
15 Workshops can be held in the matter of 2-3 days dependent on the amount of classes if not only one. Each Workshop will be adjusted per grade level. Art activity is usually supplied for grades K-3rd and can be requested for older grade levels.
Ways to get involved
Build an inclusive environment by booking one of our virtual or in-person programs for your school or community group today.
Submit a school or community group you believe needs this program with your guidance counselors contact!
Become a Community Partner to help us provide this FREE program!